Dan Woodward

2015 Change Log

“How do you ever know for certain that you are doing the right thing?” - Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

My wife and I read that book, All the Light we Cannot See, on a road trip to Michigan this winter. It was and audio book, is that still the same as reading it? Can you still say, “Hey I read that too” when a friend talks about a book…

Ok, on to the the change log part of this.

blog.danwoodward.com used to be hosted on tumblr. I haven’t posted there in many many months because I fell into a re-blog and quoting cycle. I wanted to write more and have less consuming of content. I spent about 2 hours researching and about 8 months deciding what would be the right thing; I looked into ghost, svbtle, wordpress, jekyll, and something else I can’t remember the name of.

Jekyll was my choice, but I don’t have and grand sweeping extolled description of static websites. I just liked it, I’ve used it before on some client work and found it easy to navigate and manage. Without writing a curios tale of my thought process, I’ll just list what was done.

  • migrate choice posts from Tumblr. on going
  • Setup Jekyll
  • Setup Heather theme as a base. no less or sass…yet
  • Added support for post featured images.
  • Make new rake task to create new post with default front matter and date formatted filename. I based this on an octopress task that I remembered using a few years ago
  • Added support for block quote attribution. used for this post
  • s3 Setup: Setup bucket for static hosting. Added bucket policy for public hosting.
  • Setup git repo in Beanstalk and setup deployment to s3 bucket. I set this up to auto deploy on git push for now